The inspiration for this quilt came from a book called Just Can't Cut It by Pamela Mostek. The patterns are for those fabrics that are just to pretty to cut up into small pieces. The design in the book is much more elaborate so I simplified it.

I like simple, easy designs so I tweaked it. I started off by sketching it in my book for quilt designs. (My drawing actually has 2 outer borders on it but the final quilt does not because I never made it to the Quilt shop to find a taupe fabric)
Materials Needed:
A 15" Squared of "Too pretty to cut" fabric
3 accent colors
Fabric A--1/4 yd for the thin border
Fabric B--1/2 yd for the triangle off set material
Fabric C--1/3 yd for the outer border
(I'd get a little extra of each just in case you have to straighten the fabric store cut or if y

Fabric A: 2" strips (I cut 4 strips but actually only used 2 or 3 strips so now I can make a fancy label with the extra)
Fabric B: Cut 2 10" squares. Then cut in half diagonally so you end up with 4 triangles.
Fabric C: Cut 4" strips
First sew strips of fabric A to one side of the "too pretty to cut" fabric.
Press toward the dark color as shown below.

When you have all 4 triangles pieced, lay it out on you design wall if you have one or lay on floor or table. Now you can jump up and down with excitement because you can see it coming together now. : )

Now do the same with the square. Fold it in half as shown below and put a pin in the fold.

Now open the square and lay the triangle on it matching up the 2 pins. Sew them together.

Sew the next triangle on using the same folding in half method for each of the other 3 triangle pieces. Now you will see (below) why I wanted that extra overhang of the blue fabric. The point of the brown will not get cut off when you even up the sides and square the quilt. Nor will the point be covered up when you bind the edges.