Summer is strange for me. It messes with my internal clock, so that I turn into a night owl. I feel incredibly busy nowadays. I am used to going to work and staying in one place all day then going home. Now I wake up get ready at a leisurely pace, run here, there and yonder, go home to do laundry, clean the kitchen, mow the grass, take the dog to the vet, make as many apts as I can to get them out of the way before school starts. How on earth do I function when I have to work on top of all this?
Speaking of dog...I took Emma to the vet today. She has an ulcer on her cornea. Poor baby. I have drops for her eye and an antibiotic.
Tomorrow we go and make our decisions for counter tops, tile, brick color and more. What fun.
Blogs are supposed to be profound ponderings. I am not real good at thinking profound thoughts. I wish I was. Even more, I wish I was a published writer. I guess I will have to eventually submit some of my writing to a publisher in order to get that done?! I told my students that I would suubmit something before this summer was out. I guess I better get cracking then. Gathering up thick skin in preparation for rejection...