Today marks the 6th year of marriage to the most wonderful husband! It was a most perfect day; clear blue skies and only mildly warm. That is saying something for Texas! We went to the arboretum. We saw tons of mums about to burst with color! But they hadn't burst yet. We did appreciate all the many variations of green leaves. I love the variety of plans, hate cliche plants. When perusing plants in the garden shop I refuse to buy flats and flats of a plat that everyone else has and you see on every corner. I want to have a unique garden, full of surprises. True my garden looks like an overgrown hodgepodge of odd plants. It has no rhyme or rhythm. It is not so manicured like the arboretum. I prefer to think of it as a free-form English style garden. Perhaps I should call it Herrera style, because we just buy and plant what makes us feel good. Anyhow, I digress.
What really struck me today at the Arboretum was the amazing textures we saw. They had not just weeping willows but weeping pines. Conifers galore. Green ones. Blue ones. Silver ones.
I fell in love with the most amazing plants, mostly ones that were way, way to gargantuan for our modest yard. There was one that looked rather like a 6ft marijuana plant only chartreuse and dark lime variegated. I doubt it was, being that it is illegal and all, but I can't tell you the name of the plant because we never found a label.
Jesse and I also pointed out many plants that we had killed over our years of gardening. To our delight we saw some flowers that we have in our yard currently.
I am envious of all the shade that the arboretum has from century old trees. Why? besides the fact that 100 year old trees are one of God's most amazing gifts to us mortals? It means they have shade for their ferns. I dream of a shade garden covered in ferns and hostas. I have no idea why but I find them beautiful and relaxing. Perhaps because every time I look at them, it means that I am out of the blazing Texas sun and in the cool shade.
Yes, it was a perfect day.