
February 9, 2011

T- Shirt Quit Squares

I have most of the squares cut out for my friend's Sorority T-shirt quilt! Yea!
I have decided that there should be more regulations on T-shirt companies. They must center their designs to within 1/4" so they don't drive quilter's crazy!! It took some calculating and some compromising but it worked out.
Now to cut the small logo parts of the shirt. This should be interesting. I think when this project is done, it is going to look really cool!

So you might be wondering, didn't you work today. No, we had another snow day. I am so ready for spring!

Baby update
I was able to make it to my dr. appointment today though. Baby is doing fine. Heartbeat was 150. I feel Jr.'s swimming swoosh movement daily now. That is comforting. Praise God!
I have only felt him kick 2 times so far. That is fine by me. I do not look forward to when he is kicking me in the ribs. Doc was warning me that would come soon enough.
Being half way through my pregnancy, I am thinking more and more of delivery day with dread. I held my sister's hand last year when she was in labor until about 10 min before the birth, without an epidural. She waited over an hour for one and it never came. I fear pain. I know everyone will say it will pass quickly and I will forget all about the pain but I still fear it.

Anyhow, I will be so glad when he is finally here.

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