Last month Levi learned how to crawl on all fours. This month he has perfected this mode of locomotion. He has become really fast. One minute he is in the living room with me, the next he is through the kitchen, going to the bedroom to find Daddy.
He continues to play with new faces and sounds. Just today he started making a face he learned long ago and has not done in a long time. The "Ooh" face. I have not captured it on camera recently but I will keep trying to get it.
Taking pictures of him has become quite interesting. He loves the camera. He wants to play with the camera. ...Our really nice camera... I think not.

This is the official 8 month old picture. It took some doing to get him sitting next to the Tigger long enough to snap the shot.
Do you see the cuteness I have to put up with? Yea, life is good!
He's so cute! Great pictures. Thank you for sharing! 8 months has passed so fast!