As you can probably see, I have not pieced this top together all the way. I have to do the "handles" on some. Then I am going to have fun squaring these up.
Lessons learned thus far:
1. Never do fans again.
2. Don't store square while folded in half diagonally; it warps them.

I was supposed to do 4 more fans, one for each corner, but I think I like the cross like form of this.

The inspiration of this quilt color scheme is the handle of the fan. The fabric was large circles of kaleidoscope designs. I imagined it would be perfect used this way.
When I finally get it all pieced together, I hope to get Richard Larson to quilt it for me. I imagine that he will be able to recreate some elements of the kaleidoscope design for the background.
Maybe I will finally get up the guts to enter a quilt into a show. Beyond that, I guess I will keep it. I think with the bright colors my kids at school will like to see that not all quilts are old fashioned and "lame". I dream one day of starting a quilting club at school.
Gorgeous Love those colors. Fan quilts are some of my favorites. can't wait to see yours finished, Mary!