Here is the memory quilt that my mom made me for Christmas!
Close ups:

Poppop loved to golf at Hurricane Creek. This was one of his golf shirts from there and a tie, with Mickey golfing.

This is Nana and Poppop's wedding photo and their 50th anniversary photo. Nana and Poppop were married for 54 years before Nana passed away.

Mom made a fan out of several of Poppop's ties.

Poppop was in the Airforce during WWII. He was a mechanic and instructor stationed in Colorado and in Texas. He helped make accurate maps of the Texas Mexico Border by "hanging" out the bomb bay doors with a camera.

This is a picture of the 3 grand kids.
Victoria, me and Michael.

This is a piece of muslin that mom brought to Poppop's funeral. Everyone that came wrote a brief message of farewell to Poppop on the pieces of muslin.

Mom put my wedding photo in the quilt as well, as others that I didn't put in this post.
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