
October 17, 2011

Sticking his tongue out

Levi learned to stick his tongue out, so of course he has been doing that constantly ever since.
He has also been tucking his bottom lip in and humming. Mom says that is a sign that he is teething. He is producing buckets of drool.

Tonight we are watching the The Sing-Off. Vocal Point sang "Foot Loose". Levi was jamming out! He bounced in his bouncer and sang along with them in his own special way.
He is not dancing here but he is "singing".

October 7, 2011

3 months old

Levi is now 3 months old! 

He is becoming very good at "talking". This month he has experimented with pitch and volume rather than any new vowels. He has discovered shrill and loud.

We put Levi into a bouncy chair play station thing for the first time a few days ago. He loves it. It has a mirror that he can talk to, music he can jam out to, and knobs he can play with to make sounds, when he is a little older. His legs are not quite long enough to reach the floor yet but we put a pillow under it for him to stand on. 

Levi loves to "stand" on your belly. He actually bears weight on his legs. He is getting pretty good at rolling from his tummy to his back.  He will roll over the first time or 2 that you put him on his belly. After that he throws his head down on the floor and wails in frustration! : ( It is sad but at the same time, so dang cute it's hard not to smile.

A couple times when I put him down on his elbows, he throws himself forward like he wants to crawl but hasn't learned to move his arms. So he does a face-plant instead.

Levi also likes to chew on his arm when he lays on his belly. Actually he has been chewing on everything and drooling excessively. He bites hard on my finger. I suppose this is the early stages of teething.

He is beginning to take interest in things farther away now. At a restaurant last night he was fascinated with all the motion in the server area. He watches the dogs run and play. I can't wait to see how Freyja reacts to Levi grabbing her tail! She'll be surprised but I am confident that she will be patient with him. She is the type that will let him jump on her and pull her hair. She will just give him a look. My other 2 dogs will avoid him like they would the plague! 

October 3, 2011