
December 31, 2011

6 months old

Levi is now 6 months old!

Of course he had to stick out the tongue!

This is his official Pooh and Levi picture.

Such a giggly boy!

Classic Levi expression! I can now see little bumps under his gums where his little teeth are coming in eventually.

This is a common look for him, concentration while examining something.

December 30, 2011

December 28, 2011

December 26, 2011

Well trained parents?

We survived one Christmas, 2 more to go.
The inevitable topic came up, sleep. "How is Levi sleeping?" He actually sleeps fairly well. Many nights we sleep for a 6-8 hour stretch.
Lately though he has been sick. A couple of months ago all 3 of us had a nasty bout of strep throat. That messed up his sleep. Then just when he got back into a routine of nice long stretches of sleep, he got Bronchitis. :-(
The thing that shocked family was the fact that Levi does not usually go down to sleep until 9 or sometimes 10pm. The family looks at me like I am a cruel mother. I tell them that we have tried to put him down earlier but if we start trying to put him down at 7 we just waste our time trying to rock him to sleep for 2-3 hours. He won't go down earlier.
They of course ask, "Why don't you just put him in the crib and let him cry-it-out? Have you tried it?"
Sister pipes up, "My kids cried 30 min the first night. 15 the second night. Now they sleep great."
"I can't tolerate it for more than 4 min." I didn't tell them, I was in tears myself at that point. In my defense it had been a rough night to begin with. I was frustrated to the point of desperation.
My loving family's response, "Well, he has you well trained."
I do frequently wonder if, after trying so long to have a child that we didn't know if we would ever have, do we spoil him? Am I going to be one of those helicopter moms that I have despised for so many years?
What they did not know was that Levi spent the first 6 weeks of life crying incessantly. He could not sleep for more that 1-2 hours at a time. We took him to the dr's office 40 minutes away and our newborn baby would cry for 30 minutes solid before he fell asleep. He must get his stubbornness from his mom and dad. When he was about 6 weeks old he was diagnosed with GERD. My poor baby had been crying in pain for 6 weeks! I felt awful! Then in a couple weeks he stopped crying as the medicine kicked in.
So now I have a terribly difficult time letting him cry for more than a few minutes after having had my fill in the beginning.
So I bought the No Cry Sleep Method book.  It is not a one-size-fits-all method. It has a bank of things to do to what works for you and your child. It is NOT an overnight cure that is so convenient for parents. The emphasis is on routine, but not so rigid that you can't live your life. Many of the things in it we had already been doing intuitively, like play the same music each night to signal sleepy time. i.e. training like Pavlov's dogs.
One aspect of the book that I do not like, they say to begin the routine and get the children to bed by 7pm. We get home from work at 5 or 6 so to get him in be by 7 we'd have to start as soon as we get home. I would not get any time to play with him. The book says if that is a problem you can get up early. Uh...yea, right.
I choose to ignore it. Levi gets enough sleep, he just goes to sleep later and sleeps in late. It works for us so far. We get to play with him and he gets his sleep.
Yet, I am not used to not conforming to social norms.
I do not mean to offend all my friends who use the cry it out method but, I see it as cruel to leave a child to cry himself to sleep. They say it teaches the child to put themselves to sleep. I don't see any teaching going on, just abandoning them to figure it out themselves. Besides that, I have cried myself to sleep before. I sleep hard after a good cry but it is not a pleasant way to go to sleep.

I have yet to meet another mom who sees things the same way. I admit, I am not an expert on child psychology. I'm only a mom with a tender heart. So I ask you this, "Does Levi have us well trained? Am I going down a path that leads to bad parenting where the child runs the show?"

December 22, 2011

Christmas Letter 2011

Friends and Family,     
Merry Christmas! We hope you are well. 

This year has been an exciting one for us. From January to June was a blur of worry about our jobs. We weathered that with our jobs intact in the end, although Jesse’s job was altered so that he works at 2 schools now instead of one.
Our miracle arrived on June 30th, 2011 at 11:08 PM. Levi William Herrera was born! The first few weeks were filled with diapers, feedings, sleeplessness and crying, lots of crying. Then he was diagnosed with GERD, essentially baby version of acid reflux. This was not surprising given my family history. Once the medicine kicked in Levi became an incredibly happy baby! 


Levi has the cutest most expressive eyebrows! He is a social baby. Jesse and I went back to work after 6 weeks, when school began. My mom takes care of Levi for us during the week and Jesse’s mom does it some days when my mom takes quilting classes. Mom takes Levi with her when she volunteers up at church. Levi is passed around among the other ladies at church.
We went to the Dallas Arboretum with a photographer friend to take pictures in October with all the pumpkin displays. Levi did beautifully. He posed and smiled for the pictures. Then at the end when we put him in the car seat he konked out for a few hours.

On October 2nd Jesse and I celebrated our 7th anniversary and Levi was baptized. I prayed long and hard that Levi would not cry for the baptism. He did great. He smiled and jabbered at Pastor Gary.


For Halloween Levi dressed up as Tigger! That night he started to jabber in a way that sounded like a roar. 

Levi is getting really good at sitting unassisted. However he does not yet roll over, at least not on purpose. He loves to eat all kinds of baby foods. I have yet to find one that he doesn’t like. He drools like the Niarga Falls but no teeth yet. He plays in his activity bouncer or sitting on the floor independantly for longer and longer periods of time. He is learning to pretend his over-reach to face-plant was done on purpose. He does a very nice push up and scoots backwards on his belly. When his feet meet resistance he pushes up on hands and knees and rocks forward and back, trying so hard to move forward!

Levi met Santa (aka Earl Amox) this year. He was not afraid of him. In fact to prove it, Levi pulled on Santa's beard! Santa handled it with grace, as you can see. 
The picture shows Levi "baby Jesus" with "Gabriel" or rather "Gabriella". This year Levi was asked to be the baby Jesus for our Christmas eve service at 3:00. I wonder how he will do; he wiggles a lot.

We hope you all have a blessed year!

Mary, Jesse and Levi

December 9, 2011

5 months old

The belated "Levi is 5 months old" post. It has been busy so I've not had time to do much.

Levi got to meet Santa this month at our church. Unfortunately I was not there for this picture. (That is Mom's thumb in the corner.) Levi has the privilege of knowing, Santa because he goes to our church. So thankfully he has no fear of Santa thus far. We'll see next year if he will fear him. I kind of doubt it though because Santa's beard is real, only the suit and hat are different from his usual appearance. 
Levi's first baby food was peas. Second was prunes. His response to prunes was cute:

1st spoonful- shocked look and spit out.
2nd spoonful- whole body shiver
I'm thinking he may not like prunes.
3rd spoonful- ya know this stuff is not so bad.
By the time he was to the end of the bowl of baby food, he was trying to help me put the spoon in his mouth because I just wasn't doing it fast enough for his liking.
At the end of his meals I usually let him play with the bowl and spoon and let him get messy, finger paint etc.